Live your best possible life. How good can it get?

Posts tagged ‘meditation’

Quantum Jumping Beginner’s Luck

Cynthia Sue Larson

The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

Have you ever watched someone try something relatively challenging who inexplicably succeeded on the very first attempt? There can be an almost mystical quality to witnessing an extraordinary case of beginner’s luck, in which someone accomplishes something with apparent relative ease that most people would find difficult, if not impossible.

I watched my daughter throw a perfect twelve o’clock the very first time she participated in a Scottish Highlands game caber toss at age nine. She picked up something that looked for all the world like a telephone pole that was taller than she was, and that seemed to weigh as much if not more than she did, carried it forward balanced on one end, and then tossed it end-over-end so it traveled in a perfectly straight line to fall in what’s known in Scottish highland games as a perfect twelve o’clock position, directly ahead of her. I cheered wildly along with the crowd, in wide-eyed wonder and amazement that my young daughter had done an absolutely perfect throw the very first time she attempted such a difficult feat. The crowd cheered to see such perfect caber toss form, and as soon as I got a chance to talk with my daughter, I asked her what she did to get a perfect result on her first throw.

My daughter explained she’d been coached for a few minutes before she made this throw by one of the Scottish highland games athletes and judges, a dear family friend, who’d shown her the basic idea of the caber toss and demonstrated the optimal alignment, positioning, balance and exertion required… all with a small plastic fork. In my daughter’s mind, the final outcome was crystal clear, and she was more surprised that everyone was so ecstatic at her accomplishing the result she’d set out to achieve. Perhaps it helped that her participation had been a spur-of-the-moment thing, rather than something she’d known about or expected beforehand.

One of the likely reasons that so-called ‘beginner’s luck’ is so commonplace is that beginners typically have few preconceived notions about what they are attempting to do. When we don’t already “know” that what we are about to do is supposed to be difficult or even impossible, our minds are open to envisioning ourselves doing things like: finding a parking spot on a busy street where we need it, making a perfect serve in tennis, or getting a hole in one playing golf. Such first-time success is often referred to as ‘beginner’s luck,’ which recently got me to wondering if it’s possible to nurture on-going beginner’s luck… and if so, how one might best go about it.

If you heard there was a way you could develop boundlessness, limitlessness, and infinite wealth, would you be interested? These are qualities often associated with those who live their lives from a beginner’s mind point of view. There are many possibilities in beginner’s mind, in harsh contrast to experts mindset, where there are few. Beginner’s mind embodies some of the most sought-after emotional qualities, such as: enthusiasm, creativity, zeal, and optimism, as beginners focus single-mindedly on desired outcome without becoming physically, emotionally, or mentally frozen in place by dwelling on fears of anticipated setbacks.

Start at the Beginning

You might be wondering how does beginners mind apply to quantum jumping, and what can beginner’s mind offer those of us interested in consciously selecting realities between many possible parallel worlds? In short, beginner’s mind is the key to everything. Whereas our rational, analytical minds excel at noticing patterns, labeling things, and helping us sort and make sense of a chaotic world, our beginner’s mind exists eternally in a state of organic, holistic flow with all that is.

In the beginner’s state of mind, we know exactly who we are and what we can best be doing right now, and how. There is a Zen sensibility to beginner’s mind, and an guileless innocence with complete freedom from rules, regulations, limitations, grudges, fears, and doubts. Accessing such a primordial state of consciousness is possible through meditation and intention, and a willingness to let go of what we think we know.

The Zen concept of beginner’s mind includes the notion of original face–who we were before we were born. While such a notion might seem mind-boggling at first, that’s exactly the idea–just thinking about such a concept that so defies rational explanation immediately transports us to exactly the beginner’s state of mind we seek to embrace.

Aura Healing Meditations

Aura Healing Meditations

One of my favorite ways to attain a blissful state of beginner’s mind is to listen to Aura Healing Meditations, my meditation CD that transports me almost instantaneously to a relaxed, energized state. I’m not the only one who loves it; people have said this CD, “… automatically brings the listener to a higher octave of receptive openness,” “Float from one relaxed reality to another,” and “took me to a place of deep healing…  it is amazing this is something that can be bought.”

Make the  Leap

Once we’ve attained a blissful state of beginner’s mind, we’re in that wonderful state of consciousness that allows us to see many possibilities beckoning, and we’re able to choose, from a pure place of being, which reality–which parallel universe–to select. Rather than imposing any sense of what we ‘should’ or ‘could’ choose, beginner’s mind reality selection is a much more organic process, centered on a sense of our true self, in ways that may be rather different than we typically view ourselves. In other words, from a beginner’s mind point of view, only what we feel genuinely inspired and enthusiastic about will be perfectly focused upon as a desired outcome and result. From a beginner’s mind point of view, we are thus much more genuinely inspired.

What we find ourselves truly inspired about while in a beginner’s state of mind is likely to resonate fully through us in such a way that there are doubts, hesitations, or uncertainties. There can be a kind of boldness in this state of mind, which assists us in holding a steady vision of our desired outcome as a complete certainty, with nothing else distracting us from our goal.

You might notice yourself feeling a sense of being ‘in the flow,’ relaxed, and totally focused… so that when you make the leap and attain your goal, it’s almost anti-climatic–as you were absolutely certain you’d succeed.

Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

Do you feel like you could use a little extra help envisioning wonderful success for yourself? You might find it helpful to read true life accounts of amazing shifts in reality in which people experienced quantum jumps in extraordinary ways, such as are described in my book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World. Just knowing such things are possible can make a huge positive difference in one’s ability to let go of all kinds of thoughts about what is and isn’t possible!

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of Quantum Jumping Beginner’s Luck. Please feel free to leave comments either on this blog or on my YouTube video page!

As you explore beginner’s mind, I definitely suggest you continue asking the question, “How good can it get?!” I’d love to hear when you get some pretty wonderful answers!

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Tips for Changing the Past

Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson

This week I heard from several people who longed to change the past so a loved one wouldn’t have died, a fiance wouldn’t have cheated, and events that caused great pain and suffering could have happened differently somehow.

One woman asked, “Do you really believe we can change our past with enough energy and focus? Have you ever experienced something like that? And if you do, what is  happening then?”

The short answer to these questions is yes, we can change the past and yes, I’ve experienced this. I’ve seen miraculous retrocausality types of reality shifts in which a person diagnosed by doctors to be dying of cancer with just a few months left to live has no trace of cancer. I’ve watched people instantaneously heal who’d suffered from cancer, broken bones, cuts, burns, and blisters in such a way it seemed those problems never existed… as if we’d moved from one reality of disease to another of perfect health.

Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

I’ve seen a beloved pet cat alive again when I was not expecting to ever see him again, which I write about in my book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World. I found myself in a world in which the cat, named Ashes, had not been hit by a car in the road and died, but instead was just fine. I know many people who’ve reported similar stories of loved ones being alive again on the realityshifters web site. In all the most successful cases, people have focused primarily on love, forgiveness, peace, harmony, balance, acceptance, and oneness.

The key ideas here are that:

• We are most likely living in a multiverse of parallel worlds

• Events can be influenced by both the future and the past in the fabric of spacetime through each parallel world

• We can access other realities through meditation / prayer in oneness consciousness with a feeling of acceptance (a view from nowhen–the mindfulness concept of eternal now)

Each and every one of us can and does change the past, though we are seldom aware this is what is going on. We change the past and the future simultaneously when our consciousness shifts to another parallel world in which another version of ourselves already exists. This transition is usually so smooth that if it weren’t for a few notable changes, we wouldn’t realize we’d made such a jump at all. We frequently change the past with regard to small-scale things, benefiting from not scrutinizing (and therefore doubting or questioning) these changes with our conscious mind. Large scale reality shifts are possible as well, though they require we treat them as equally attainable as the smaller scale shifts, and welcome them as easily into our lives.

Shifting Realities as Easily as Shifting Gears in a Car

A metaphor for the way we shift between various realities is shifting gears in a manual transmission car. Imagine that the different gears in a stick-shift car represent different realities we can select between. We typically shift to an adjacent reality–or an adjacent gear–one which is not so far from our current experience that all that many things have changed. In order to shift gears, we must first move our foot from the gas pedal to the clutch, so we disengage from one gear in preparation to move to the next. This simple process of moving our foot from gas pedal to clutch, moving the stick-shift from one gear to an adjacent gear, and moving our foot from clutch to gas pedal is one we can engage in every time we move our consciousness to a state of disengaging from current reality–such as we feel when dreaming, daydreaming, meditating or praying. We come out of such states of oneness consciousness moving forward again, almost as if nothing has changed, yet actually with the ability to switch gears into a completely different reality than the one we’ve just left.

Acceptance is the Key to Shifting Reality

If you think of parallel worlds of possible realities as gears in a car, and realize that the only way to change between physical realities–between gears–is to move to an energetic state of all possibility by taking your foot off the gas pedal and placing it on the clutch to allow the gears to disengage (to allow yourself and all that is to be between all realities)–then you can see how important it is to reach a state of neutral emotional detachment… a state of unconditional acceptance and non-engagement. From such a place of all possibility it’s possible to quantum jump to an adjacent spacetime reality.

Best results in changing the past come when we can emotionally detach sufficiently to a place that is non-judgmental, accepting, and full of love… and free from a sense of how things “should be,” “would be,” or “could have been.” Just like “watched pots” are hard to catch starting to boil, so too are past events challenging to influence when we are charged up with strong feelings. The more charged the emotions remain, the harder it is for people to successfully switch realities and change the past, since emotions are a lot like keys that unlock certain doors (realities), and often they also hold us in particular realities, keeping us involved in situations and experiences that match the way we feel–even if those feelings are unpleasant. To get a past we like better, we need to change the way we feel all the way down to our subconscious gut feelings.

Being in the pure energy place of acceptance, forgiveness, and love means we are no longer focused on fixing or correcting the thoughts, words, or actions of others… and that we  instead have confidence and faith that everything is working out perfectly, even if we don’t know how that could be so. A big part of being in this pure energy state of mind requires we let go of our own ego-based sense of what is best or right, in order that what is best for all concerned manifests.

Aura Healing Meditations

Aura Healing Meditations

There is an important reason for practicing achieving and maintaining a state of acceptance and gratitude, and that is that such a pure heartfelt mindset ensures our highest order intention for the best for all concerned, rather than for purely selfish outcomes. Only by working with our highest emotional energies can we attain highly favorable outcomes that genuinely feel best, and this means leaving behind ego-centric perspectives that invariably involve some “negative” emotions such as fears, doubts, anxieties and shame. For this reason, Tibetan monks who walk through walls and do other amazing things emphasize the importance of not fixating on ego-desired outcomes, but rather on spiritual growth.

If you would like to experience a sense of oneness and acceptance through meditation, and want to know how to choose what type of meditation is best for you, I highly recommend reading my article, What Meditation is Best for You? and checking out my meditation CD, Aura Healing Meditations.

Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts

If you’re intrigued by the idea of changing the past and want to explore this topic further, you may enjoy reading about some of the physics behind bicausality and retrocausality, and what kinds of evidence we’d expect to see if we truly are living in a multiverse in which events from the future influence the past. I share all this and some amazing first-hand experiences from my life in a powerpoint presentation I presented at the 12th annual Language of Spirit Conference in 2010, Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts.

The good news is that simply by starting on this path to mindfulness and oneness consciousness, you will be making a powerful positive difference in the world. Attaining a state of loving, peaceful, accepting, thankful consciousness is what I recommend as a primary goal… and this is something you can begin right here, right now.

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of Quantum Jumping Tips for Changing the Past, and will leave comments here on this blog or on my YouTube video page.

One of the benefits of asking the question, “How good can it get?!” in every situation you’re in is that sometimes you’ll see evidence that things improve… sometimes even in the past.

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Manifesting Abundance Amidst 2012 Chaos

Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson

This week I heard from three people who each have been dealing with challenging circumstances that have led them to nearly give up hope, or as one friend wrote,

“I have a topic that I would love to see covered in your blog. Over the past few months, I have noticed that what is happening to me in life is not going along with my thoughts and actions. There has been a lot of incredibly horrible things happening to me, and I’m trying to figure out why. I haven’t done anything that I can think of that would have lead me down the path that I went through. After everything I have gone through, I’m one shade above feeling hopeless. it used to feel like the world was mine to conquer, all i had to do is think and make it so. Now it’s almost like it takes a lot more thinking and thought processes to get things going. When they do start, it’s like I’m slammed back down to step one again and I have to struggle back up again. It keeps happening. These are not thoughts that I was having, just observations that I’m making.

My question is, is there something going on in the Universe right now that is making Reality Shifting much more difficult? Is there any advice you can give to any of us out here who are really struggling just to survive, or to even want to survive? I feel like an alien displaced from it’s planet or a fish out of water…this doesn’t feel right at all anymore.”

Right now in 2012 we are experiencing a great deal of “shadow issues” from our collective unconscious that create a lot of chaos. We see this in terms of current world issues, including economic  and environmental crises.  While there are amazing numbers of reality shifts occurring now,  many people feel confused by difficult events and circumstances. Many people who’ve previously experienced success working with “law of attraction” ideas such as described in the movie The Secret are now hitting roadblocks and losing hope, wondering what they can do, if anything, to regain a sense of living a meaningful, prosperous life.

Any time you feel like a fish out of water, or that things aren’t quite right with the way your intentions play out in the physical world, I recommend starting with reviewing the six steps to attract what you most desire that I describe in chapter six of my book, Aura Advantage: How the Colors in Your Aura Can Help You Attain What You Desire and Attract Success. These provide an excellent road map for living a life of gracefully rewarding flow:

Aura Advantage(1) Energize dreams instead of fantasies,

(2) Get out of your own way,

(3) Listen to your chakras / body,

(4) Expect what you most desire,

(5) Appreciate every moment, and

(6) Do something nice for someone.

There are four additional meditations I suggest for these rapidly-shifting times to get and stay focused on what you most desire even as shadow issues are arising all around. These four meditations can provide you with a jump-start to living a more prosperous life even in the midst of chaotic, challenging, troubling times so many of us are experiencing now in 2012:

Know You Are Loved
When you have a sense of being unconditionally loved and adored for who you are–for the eternal, infinite spirit and soul that you are, you feel a sense of intrinsic worth. Once consciously recognized, nothing can ever take that sense of worth from you, nor can any circumstances ever truly get in the way. Imagining and regaining a sense of direct connection to Oneness–to Divine Source–instantly provides you with a buoyant, open-minded, open-hearted attitude. Intending to be the best you can be brings best results, as does living in accordance with the belief that you are inspired, directed, and animated by your best possible self, guided forward with intuition intended to help you best select options you’ll be happiest with in the long term, that your future self knows you’ll be happiest with… rather than what you think you want today.

Breathe Deeply to Your Core
When stressed, most people breathe shallowly, losing access to their personal power, or Qi. You can regain a sense of energized, calm confidence, inner strength, and balance by becoming physically relaxed while breathing deeply to your second chakra–the area just below your belly button. You can locate this area by placing one hand on your stomach with the thumb on top, resting on your belly button, and the palm of your hand just below. Feel a sense of calmness in your core, taking several deep, slow, steady, relaxed breaths while relaxing all your muscles. Focus on breathing deeply, so you can see and feel your belly button rising and falling with each slow, steady breath.

Let Go of Regrets
In a new paper Don’t Look Back in Anger published in Science, researchers from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany, report evidence from two experiments that showed that young and older depressed patients held onto regrets about missed opportunities, while the healthy older participants let regrets go. The key concept here is that our health greatly improves when we let go of thoughts about what could have, should have, or would have been. You can release all such thoughts and emotions by breathing deeply and envisioning that you are releasing all regrets to the center of the earth as you exhale.

Be Grateful 
Since thoughts and feelings are manifesting so quickly now, it’s especially important to retain a sense of everything being just fine, especially regarding past events. Just as you can imagine your best possible future self reaching back through time to guide you forward to make the best possible choices for the long run, so too can you imagine yourself reaching back through time and guiding your attention to realities in which you gained skills, deepened relationships, reached a state of flow from being in the moment doing what you love, felt a sense of purpose for your life, helped others, and achieved meaningful accomplishments. Making regular time for gratitude meditations, keeping a gratitude journal, and writing down each day what went especially well and how you played a meaningful role in that are ways you can develop gratitude.

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of Manifesting Abundance in 2012 Chaos–and please feel free to leave comments either on this blog or on my YouTube video page!

One of the benefits of asking the question, “How good can it get?!” in every situation you find yourself in is that you’re likely to get some pretty wonderful answers.

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Improve Your Holiday Mindset

Cynthia Sue Larson

“The direction of a man’s thought is always the decisive factor in his personality. His whole outer life will be determined by the inward inclination of his mind.” — Erich Sauer

I’ve been reminiscing this holiday season about a cartoon strip I enjoyed  I was growing up in Highlights for Children magazine that featured a couple of fictitious boys in a regular feature named after them: Goofus and Gallant. These boys served to illustrate examples of what happens when we live according to our highest ideals… or our basest, most selfish interests. While Gallant helps set the table for his family before dinner and takes a small first serving before passing a dish to the person next to him, Goofus demands to know when dinner will be ready… and takes the biggest servings for himself.

I loved reading about Goofus and Gallant, because they demonstrated behavioral extremes I seldom saw in real life.  Most people fall somewhere in the middle between perfectly groomed and well-mannered Gallant, and disheveled Goofus constantly doing the wrong thing. The Goofus and Gallant stories have no stated morals, but the implied point in each drawing is clear: striving to help others and be one’s best is it’s own reward.

One of the things I love best about Goofus and Gallant is the way they remind us of the importance of the little things… of being thoughtful in ways that good manners require, yet that we often find challenging, due to personal limitations and the stresses and strains of life. My imagination soared with the possibilities implicit in many real-life situations, as I wondered, “What would Goofus and Gallant do?” Thanks to Goofus and Gallant, I more readily recognized opportunities to be considerate, helpful, kind, and caring… even though my shyness and occasional feelings of social awkwardness sometimes prevented me from reaching out to volunteer assistance every time.

While Goofus and Gallant demonstrate good and bad behavior, it’s clear that what motivates their behaviors is something internal… two very different mindsets operating quietly inside each boy. The interesting thing about these supposedly invisible mindsets is that actually, they aren’t invisible at all. Whereas Gallant’s world view is considerate of others around him, Goofus’s perspective is based on thinking of himself. While Gallant considers long-term consequences and demonstrates ability to postpone gratification, Goofus feels compelled to immediately satisfy any of his perceived needs.

Anyone meeting these two boys could immediately discern the difference in their behaviors, and therefore the difference in their internal mindsets… and their views of the external world will subsequently be profoundly different. Gallant will be met by friendly helpful people who are happy to share their time, energy, and resources… while Goofus will likely find people in general tending to be irritated, annoyed, and uncooperative.

Stressful times often bring out more Goofus-like behaviors in people, when tempers run short… and holiday-related stresses and strains having to do with dealing with crowds, shopping, social gatherings, and family tensions can challenge our good intentions to be kind, compassionate, and gallant.

Do you wonder just how good this holiday season could be if you improved your mindset? Please watch me talk about Goofus, Gallant, and defusing holiday stress in this short video about how to better maintain a positive mindset:

Improve Your Holiday Mindset

You can feel successful in all areas of your life, gaining a sense that you’re on your way to your best possible future life. Keep imagining how good it can get, knowing you’ve got tremendous support and love as you are perfect doing and being what only you can do and be!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Get and Keep a Winning Attitude

Cynthia Sue Larson

“If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.” — Vince Lombardi

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they approach… or avoid… competition. I was never more keenly aware of this than just the other week while standing next to a blind man about to compete at a Kuk Sool Won Korean martial arts tournament. He stood out as the only person in the noisy, crowded gymnasium standing implacably straight and calm, like a royal guard keeping watch quietly by the wall, as he awaited being called to enter the ring. I introduced myself and informed him that other competitors were stretching now, so this could be a good time to loosen up. I stood transfixed, watching him enter the ring and stretch, as he prepared to compete in empty hands form and techniques. With single-minded focus, he demonstrated proficiency in defending himself against an unseen attacker who grabbed both his arms… and pounced on him with a knife. Later in the day, he displayed these martial arts techniques as part of the special master’s demonstration to wild applause:

What an inspiration! Those who keep doing their best, despite the challenges, motivate everyone. This and other master’s demonstrations at the tournament showed people challenging themselves to go beyond what they may ever have thought possible, thereby encouraging us to consider transcending whatever limitations we may face in our lives. Another amazing master’s demonstration was given by Master Sung Jin Suh, displaying a beautifully elegant Kuk Sool fast hands form:

I gain important aspects of a winning attitude when viewing people doing extraordinary things, as I stretch my imagination of what may be possible for myself. Could I do as well with self defense techniques if unable to see? Hopefully so. Could I learn to move with tremendous grace, strength, flexibility and speed? I’d love to know!

Is there something in your life you wish you could be or do… but for some reason, you feel it’s just beyond your grasp? You can watch this video to join me in a meditation to get and keep a winning attitude:

You can feel successful in all areas of your life, gaining a sense that you’re on your way to your best possible future life. Keep imagining how good it can get, knowing you’ve got tremendous support and love as you are perfect doing and being what only you can do and be!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Smile More Intensely for a Healthier, Happier Life

Cynthia Sue Larson

I’ve been feeling inspired this month after reading about a psychology study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, showing that the more widely a person smiles on their facebook profile photo, the better the chances are that their next several years will be satisfying to them. If it’s true that Facebook Profile Pics Predict Future Happiness, and that fate smiles on those who smile most, it seems only prudent to find ways to feel happier now, so the next several years will be be good ones!

Not only does this smile intensity / life satisfaction research confirm the results of an earlier study from 2001, which found a link between smile intensity of a group of female college students in 1958 and 1960 and their self-reported life satisfaction three decades later… it also lends a fresh perspective on a research study from last year of baseball players that found those who smiled intensely in early-career headshots lived seven years longer on average than those with small or nonexistent smiles.

Wow! Who would have guessed that increasing the intensity of one’s smile could have such far-reaching effects on one’s life satisfaction and longevity? This news encourages me to keep on smiling intensely, even though sometimes I’ll see a picture of myself smiling so much I think I look slightly crazed… apparently, such smiling zeal is good for me in many ways!

I sometimes have smiled so much that people have asked me, “Why are you so happy?” and “What are you smiling about?” The truth is that I’m often feeling a great deal of bliss from my awareness of just how fortunate I am to be here right now, on such a wonderful planet in such an amazing universe. I frequently feel a nearly overwhelming sense of reverence for the great mystery that is life, and for a sense of eternal love I feel around me every day.

You can watch this video to join me in a meditation to feel eternal love, which I find to be the key to inspire me to feel happiest and smile most intensely:

I hope reading about smile intensity research encourages you to smile more, which in turn will likely encourage others to smile more… which can have a wonderful domino effect and help make the world a friendlier, happier, healthier place for us all.

As I love to ask… just how good can it get?!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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How to Change the Past

Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson

The future can only effect the present if there is room to write its influence off as a mistake.” – Yakir Aharonov

Most of us have at one point or another in our lives wished that there was something in the past we could change… yet most of us have been raised by adults who assured us that it’s not possible to change the past. Such beliefs are summed up beautifully  in the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám,

“The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

People who’ve experienced reality shifts are much more open to considering the possibility that the future and present can change the past, and that there’s some credence to physicist John Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation of quantum physics, and the notion of a “handshake” between future and the past that allows for the kind of symmetry in time we expect in space. Considering that space-time is a continuum, and physics fully allows for time-forward and time-reversed causality, a whole new world of possibility begins to open up.

A point worth contemplating is that in fact, quantum physics forbids a single history. This deceptively modest statement belies the enormity of its impact, which is that we never have just one agreed-upon history. We tend to not be aware of multiple histories, nor do we often accept the possibility of their existence… yet when we think about how it would feel to us if we were influenced by the future, we’d realize that we could experience Déjà Vu, future memory, precognition, premonitions, intuitive hunches, synchronicities, and exceptional situational awareness… as well as spontaneous remissions from injury and disease.

I got a wonderful email from a reader this month, who asked a practical question about changing the past:


Hello Cynthia
I am focusing on communicating a message to myself in the past using meditation and the mind techniques from your eBook and other sources, to alter a  choice that I regret. My regret is moving home and I wish to alter that decision. My work is about raising my vibration and activating my Pineal Grand in an effort to achieve this. I would appreciate any advice from you.

Here is my response:


Thanks so much for writing to me regarding making a change to the past. Every situation is unique, yet there is something you can do to give yourself the best shot at experiencing a changed past… and that is to meditate daily to raise your energy & stay grounded.

Meditation is actually the most important thing you can do. Your goal in meditation is to attain a state of mindfulness in which you feel detached from any particular outcome, with a sense of acceptance of yourself and the universe.

I recommend that you keep an open mind considering the past — especially with regard to any upsetting details — and stay focused on what you are grateful for.

View time as every bit as balanced as all of space, with a sense of being able to maintain a sense of hope for the past as well as the future. We are hopeful for the past when we feel gratitude and appreciation.

If you haven’t yet seen the slides from my talk on “Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts,” you can download the slideshow of my talk at:

I wish you all the best, and hope this helps!

I share some additional thoughts and feelings about why we might want to change the past, and how we might go about it in this video:

I’d love to hear your comments and questions about what you’d most like to change from your past… and any experiences you’ve had with retrocausality!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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