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Posts tagged ‘time loop’

Meeting My Future Self

"Cynthia Sue Larson"

Cynthia Sue Larson, March 2012

I received an fascinating query via email recently from a woman wondering if she had seen her future self. To experience such a thing sounded shocking, to say the least, and I found her question especially intriguing because it reminded me of how I once met my future self, many years ago. She wrote:


I found your page today and I am sure you get many first hand stories; this is mine.

One day I was waiting for a friend to arrive at our place. She was coming on a ferry and riding the 7 KM from the ferry to our place. About twenty minutes before she was due, it started to rain very heavily, so I decided on a whim to go pick her up.

I took my husband’s car, since he has a bike rack on the back. His car is relatively distinctive–it was at the time a brand new Green Subaru with a high end bike rack on the back that is not too common where we live in Robert’s Creek, British Columbia. I hurried out of the house and pulled on a bright red fleece hoodie, that is very distinctive as it is a kids-sized hoodie; due to my size, I am able to fit into it.

As I drove down the quiet country road (Lower Road, Robert’s Creek, BC) I saw another Subaru coming toward me, and noted it was the same colour as my husband’s. As I got nearer, I noticed a woman wearing a bright red top, and when I passed I looked directly into my own eyes. I was even wearing the exact same bright red hoodie! Unbelievably, it seemed that I was driving the car that passed me on the opposite of the road, going in the opposite direction. I got a good look to see that she (me?) was looking directly at me. She had the same hair, same clothes. Her expression was intent, but showed no surprise. As soon as I passed the car, I looked into my rear view mirror in shock to see the same bike rack on the back–but it was empty–my friend’s bike was not on it. I pulled over immediately, feeling very shaken up, and rationalized that it could not have been me as there would have been a bike on the bike rack.

I drove on, and a few minutes later met up with my friend. By the time I reached her, the rain had stopped, and she refused the ride saying she would dry out faster if she continued to ride. I drove home, with NO bike on the rack! About eight minutes later, I went past the exact spot I believe I may have previously seen my self? This may seem nuts, but I looked for myself, actually believing I might see myself, but no, that did not happen. I have seen many visions, and seen shadow “others” lots. Most of that kind of extraordinary seeing feels like looking into another dimension, but this experience of seeing myself looked and seemed real.

My question, is this possible?

Joan, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia

My response to Joanie began:

Dearest Joanie,

Thanks so much for writing to me about your reality shift experience! My short answer to whether it’s possible that you could have seen your future self is, “Yes, absolutely.” I say this partly because it’s theoretically possible, but mostly because this is something I’ve experienced myself, although in different circumstances.

I’ve sometimes seen images, or visions, if you will, that seemed every bit as real as what my eyes perceive… yet in places (such as the sky) where I know I couldn’t possibly have seen a tree, for example. As it turned out, seeing a tree in the sky in a particular location was exactly the clue I needed at that time to know which way to go through the woods to find that exact spot, so the vision appeared in such a way that it shared information with me. It occurs to me that your experience may have been a vision that shared information with you.

Reality Shifts

Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

I had one astonishing experience that I write about in my book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, that is available now in a brand new paperback edition. I write about a vivid dream I had when I was a teenager, that was so unusual and startling that remember it clearly to this very day. At the time I was dreaming, I felt the experience to be real, and I spoke out loud, expressing the surprise I felt at having a visitor to my room that evening who took something from my room that to this day, I’ve never yet seen again. Of all the people I might have encountered in a dream, I never would have guessed at the one who actually arrived … never in a million years!

Cynthia Sue Larson in 1978

Cynthia Sue Larson in 1978

When I met my future self many decades ago as a teenager back in 1978, I was stunned to see her come into my bedroom, floating through my mirrored closet doors, glide across the room to my desk, reach down into the lower left drawer, retrieve something… soothingly communicating telepathically with me the entire time… then return the way she’d come. I spoke aloud to her, which brought my father to my room to see what was going on… but I didn’t know how to explain what I’d just seen. Some letters were missing from my desk the next morning, and it was hard for me to believe my future self could have taken them like that… but apparently, that is what took place. I have not yet received these old letters, but I wonder if some day I’ll be the one floating through those mirrored closet doors in my childhood bedroom, soothing my younger self as I collect letters I haven’t seen since 1978!

This kind of reality shift experience can leave a person wondering if they’ve imagined something… because there is nothing quite as shocking as meeting another yourself! It’s interesting to note that in both of these examples of seeing another oneself, only one of the two has been consciously aware of the meeting-future-self, and in both cases it’s been the earlier self, rather than the future self doing the observing.

I wrote about a time traveler reality shift last September in this blog, recounting an experience I’d had in which I’d heard a visit from a friend in the future. Two years ago I shared experiences of seeing loved ones before they arrive, in the October issue of RealityShifters. These kinds of reality shifts are sometimes known as Vardøgr (vard-deh-AY-grr), which is a Norwegian word meaning “premonitory sound or sight of a person before he arrives.” What all of these reality shifts have in common is some aspect of time shifting, which is a relatively new term describing the ancient phenomenon observed by shamans, yogis, and other spiritual adepts capable of accessing, experiencing and influencing events in the past, present, and future. Time shifts are reality shifts in which the dimension of reality we know as “time” undergoes some kind of observable transformation. Time shifts appear to us in such a way that we can observe them in the form of time loops, time travel, time slowing down, and retrocausality.
"Cynthia Sue Larson with Reality Shifts"

Cynthia Sue Larson with Reality Shifts

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of Meeting My Future Self — and please feel free to leave comments either on this blog or on my YouTube video page!

Realizing that time loops and meeting our future self could be possible can be a powerful wake-up call, as well as a fabulous way to recognize the possibility that right now, at this very moment, we are being guided by our best possible future self. And all of this helps expand what we imagine possible when we contemplate my favorite meditative question, “How good can it get?!”

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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How to Change the Past

Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson

The future can only effect the present if there is room to write its influence off as a mistake.” – Yakir Aharonov

Most of us have at one point or another in our lives wished that there was something in the past we could change… yet most of us have been raised by adults who assured us that it’s not possible to change the past. Such beliefs are summed up beautifully  in the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám,

“The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

People who’ve experienced reality shifts are much more open to considering the possibility that the future and present can change the past, and that there’s some credence to physicist John Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation of quantum physics, and the notion of a “handshake” between future and the past that allows for the kind of symmetry in time we expect in space. Considering that space-time is a continuum, and physics fully allows for time-forward and time-reversed causality, a whole new world of possibility begins to open up.

A point worth contemplating is that in fact, quantum physics forbids a single history. This deceptively modest statement belies the enormity of its impact, which is that we never have just one agreed-upon history. We tend to not be aware of multiple histories, nor do we often accept the possibility of their existence… yet when we think about how it would feel to us if we were influenced by the future, we’d realize that we could experience Déjà Vu, future memory, precognition, premonitions, intuitive hunches, synchronicities, and exceptional situational awareness… as well as spontaneous remissions from injury and disease.

I got a wonderful email from a reader this month, who asked a practical question about changing the past:


Hello Cynthia
I am focusing on communicating a message to myself in the past using meditation and the mind techniques from your eBook and other sources, to alter a  choice that I regret. My regret is moving home and I wish to alter that decision. My work is about raising my vibration and activating my Pineal Grand in an effort to achieve this. I would appreciate any advice from you.

Here is my response:


Thanks so much for writing to me regarding making a change to the past. Every situation is unique, yet there is something you can do to give yourself the best shot at experiencing a changed past… and that is to meditate daily to raise your energy & stay grounded.

Meditation is actually the most important thing you can do. Your goal in meditation is to attain a state of mindfulness in which you feel detached from any particular outcome, with a sense of acceptance of yourself and the universe.

I recommend that you keep an open mind considering the past — especially with regard to any upsetting details — and stay focused on what you are grateful for.

View time as every bit as balanced as all of space, with a sense of being able to maintain a sense of hope for the past as well as the future. We are hopeful for the past when we feel gratitude and appreciation.

If you haven’t yet seen the slides from my talk on “Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts,” you can download the slideshow of my talk at:

I wish you all the best, and hope this helps!

I share some additional thoughts and feelings about why we might want to change the past, and how we might go about it in this video:

I’d love to hear your comments and questions about what you’d most like to change from your past… and any experiences you’ve had with retrocausality!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Time Traveler Reality Shift

Cynthia Sue Larson


Our heirs, whatever or whoever they may be, will explore space and time to degrees we cannot currently fathom. They will create new melodies in the music of time. There are infinite harmonies to be explored.“- Clifford Pickover

I’ve been fortunate to have had numerous unusual experiences involving time in my life. One of the most extraordinary occurred on a seemingly ordinary day in August 1998.

My daughter and I were waiting for our friend to visit us at our home, and the front door of the house was open as my daughter saw him arrive, pulling into the driveway. I could hear the sound of a car’s tires crunching on loose gravel in our asphalt driveway, and I heard my daughter call his name out to me, shouting that he was here. A few minutes passed, and I again heard the sound of a car’s tires crunching across gravel in the driveway, and my daughter’s voice yelling, “WAIT! Why are you going?!”

My daughter later told me he said something to her that she couldn’t quite hear, and then drove away. From where I was inside our house, I clearly hard a car pull into the driveway, and drive away a few minutes later as my daughter called out.

About ten minutes later, our friend returned in a completely different car, with his two children.

Now that our friend had arrived at our house (this time with his children) and appeared able to stay for a while, my daughter came to talk to me. I could see that she was deeply troubled by something, so I asked her what was wrong. She asked me, “Why did he drive away?”  I replied that I had no idea. Perhaps there had been some problem with his children, and he’d decided to talk with them privately. My daughter instantly commented, “But the kids weren’t even in the car the first time… and it was a different car.”

I brought my daughter to talk to my friend about this, and he was quite intrigued. He explained, “I once drove here by myself in the other car. I had been wishing to see you and wishing I could be here when you were here… especially your daughter, and her implacable, unbeatable, ungovernable love. She goes right to my heart.”

My daughter told our friend he’d said something to her she couldn’t quite understand as he spoke directly to her, as if he could see her… but he drove away anyway. Our friend told us that he’d sensed someone’s presence as he was thinking of my daughter, and had spoken aloud his wish to see us when we were home. My daughter said that even though she didn’t know what our friend had said, he had obviously been talking directly to her.

I feel extremely fortunate to have witnessed another kind of reality shift… a time travel variety of reality shift, in which our friend had somehow successfully held a conversation from the past into the future with my daughter, and that they had both sensed one another’s presence.

I am intrigued to note that while my daughter was able to clearly see our friend, he merely sensed my daughter’s presence. Perhaps this might be because my eight-year-old daughter’s beginner’s mind better allowed her to see what adults would tend to assume could not be happening. Due to our friend’s desire to be here and our desire to see him, he actually arrived from the past into our present (his future), and for a brief time they held a conversation together.

I share some thoughts and feelings about this time travel reality shift in this video:

As people increasingly experience more reality shifts, thanks to more people meditating and following spiritual paths than ever before, time travel shifts such as this one may become commonplace.

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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