Live your best possible life. How good can it get?

2023-07-18 Boulder Red Rocks CynthiaSometimes we feel unsettled as we receive signs or signals that startle or surprise us.  These messages might be a sign that we’re receiving information from a higher level of ourselves that are exactly what we need at this time.

I’ve recently received some remarkable messages in the form of truly unique experiences. This month, in late June and early July 2023, something happened when I was in my home, alone. It happened on more than one occasion, and it got my full attention each and every time.

My House Rang like a Bell

The first time my house rang like a bell, I was working quietly on my computer in my living room, with no sound or music playing of any kind. I was alone in the house, and heard a sound that I can best describe as something large having struck the eastern side of my house, at which point the house rang like a bell. The sound of initial impact was a bit like a dull thud, as if something large, solid, and perhaps padded had “thumped” some part of the house along the eastern wall.  On an emotional/feeling level, this impact left me with the intuitive sense that some kind of clapper had struck the house with the intent that it ring like a bell.  The actual sound to my ears was a dull thump or thud, with subsequent rippling sound waves.

Intrigued by this experience, I wanted to learn if such things had been noted as having occurred anywhere before.  I ran several internet searches, in hopes that I might find some other similar reports.  I conducted one such internet search in the wee hours of the late night/early morning one time, and found something along the lines of this in a Bible passage.  I remember reading that it said something about a building ringing like a bell as being an indication for people to wake up and pay attention, and rise up into the fullness of their being–as their best selves.  I realized the hour was late, and vowed to study this matter further in the morning–but when I looked the next day, there was no trace of any buildings that “rang like a bell,” and I could not find the information I’d previously found.  Apparently, there had been a reality shift, as I’m still unable to find anything along the lines of what happened for me.

My intuitive response to this series of incidents–because this happened several times over the course of a couple of weeks–is that some higher level of consciousness was getting my attention.  The net effect was a feeling of the importance of paying attention and getting ready, much like hearing a bell rung as a signal to get ready for something–to get back on track, and do the things I’m here to do.  I took this message as a personal message for me to get back to a project that had been sidelined for a while, when I was dealing with a chronic illness situation that began in January 2020, and cleared up so the worst is now over.

This message to wake up and pay attention feels to me like a reminder that we can learn from plants, animals, plants, and the Earth with levels of information accessible to us that is much deeper than what appears on the surface.  We human beings are still coming into the fullness of our abilities, and each time we collectively face a crisis on the planet, we are given an opportunity to remember and access more of who we truly are at a deep level.

I have found sources mentioning celestial bodies (the Earth and the Moon) ringing like bells, but no houses or structures:

The Moon Rang like a Bell
On November 20, 1969, Apollo 12 deliberately crashed the Ascent Stage of its Lunar Module onto the Moon’s surface; NASA reported that the Moon rang ‘like a bell’ for almost an hour, leading to arguments that it must be hollow like a bell.

The Earth rang like a Bell
Earthquakes have been known to ring the Earth like a bell:

On November 11, 2018, seismic sensors registered that the Earth rang like a bell, and pinpointed seismic origins near an island between Madagascar and Africa. And then as far away as Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and Hawaii–on the opposite side of the world.  Nobody knows what it was.  “I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” National Geographic reports Columbia University seismologist Göran Ekström said, “It doesn’t mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic.”

On December 26, 2004, the world “rang like a bell” after the magnitude 9.0 Sumatra earthquake. Shock waves circled the world several times a day, possibly for days, Clive Collins, a scientist with Geoscience Australia, said, “Some pass right through the world, others travel around it, on the surface,” he said. “They get to to the other side but they won’t stop–they keep traveling. They just get smaller and smaller.” Surface waves traveled “fairly slowly, probably three or four kilometers a second. Because they are very low frequency waves you can’t feel them.”

Others hit the Earth’s mantle or its molten iron core and bounced back. The result was that the Earth reverberated like a bell, or a water-filled balloon.

Reading Signs when unsettled

Sometimes when we receive synchronicity, signs, and signals when feeling unsettled, we are receiving gifts of great value and significance.  While visiting People’s Crossing (previously known as Settler’s Park) in Boulder, Colorado, I felt the rocks are kinds of signs, too.  They feel like encouragement to, “Keep going, you’re almost there,” whether people were moving from the plains to the mountains, or coming down from the mountains to the plains.

Receiving such reminders can help us rise above the stress of feeling unsettled, as we remember that through stillness meditation, we can access a sense of feeling a connection with the eternal, the infinite, the absolute.  Through such expanded awareness and wisdom of what matters most that is ever-lasting, we can regain a sense of calm, and inner peace and joy as we restore a sense of connection to the internal divinity that is our essential core nature.

And when we remember to ask my favorite question, “How good can it get?” we can also come back from meditation with insights and inspiration we can immediately utilize to find greater enjoyment in our daily lives.

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“Nobody knows why the Earth just rang like a bell.”  New York Post.  29 Nov 2018.

You can watch the companion video to this blog here:


QuantumJumps300x150adCynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps.  Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and first President of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at:


Comments on: "Reading Signs when feeling unsettled" (1)

  1. scifimike70 said:

    Thank you, Cynthia. Learning how to read signs when unsettled is what I was reminded of just yesterday, which thankfully led to a good afternoon of playing billiards with a new friend. How good can it get?

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