Live your best possible life. How good can it get?

A friend just posted something interesting related to both of the two talks I gave about Identity and Artificial Intelligence, “It’s the crossroads of Human history.  One road leads to A.I. and it’s merging with humanity and the other leads to evolution of average people to X men without using machines.  At some future destination there will be Empire and Jedi among the ‘Bots.'”

So how do we prepare for Jedi VS Empire ‘bots?

I was struck by two pivotal moments when I was interacting with the audience while giving the keynote talk at the West Coast Dowsers conference at UC Santa Cruz this month.  In the first moment, one person after another came up to ask a question at the microphone along the lines of, “Can just one person really make a difference?”  And time and again I replied, “Yes.  One person really can make a difference.” Much of the key to this realization involves recognition that the classical view of reality consisting primarily of physical “stuff” cannot truly be the actual nature of the world.  We’re learning that classical physics is a special case within the larger set of quantum physics–and within quantum physics, Observers can and do influence events.

In the second moment, people came up to talk to me after my keynote presentation, expressing a sense of newfound hope that despite current social atmospheres of division seeming to segregate people into groups of “Us” and “Them,” it really can be possible for us to be respectful with one another, rather than assuming ‘others’ to be untrustworthy, profane, oppressive, offensive, guilty, primitive, or evil.  We stand to benefit from listening to what others have to say, rather than shouting over them.  We can overcome artificial divisions by appreciating that we are not our thoughts, and we are not our feelings–we are the one who sees and hears and feels these thoughts and feelings.   

When we appreciate that we can look for–and find–evidence of quantum jumps and reality shifts on the macroscopic scale, we can see the world with less fear and greater appreciation for the miraculous way we experience living in such a remarkably fine-tuned universe.  We see scientific evidence that:  our cognitive processes behave according to quantum logic, where relationships between events and observers matter.  We see that there has been a doubling of the placebo effect over the past 30 years.  We see the field of embodied cognition is taking off, with our abilities rising to support our actions as, for example, we feel happier because we smiled.  We see scientists having trouble reproducing their experiments in what’s been called a “reproducability crisis.”  We see evolutionary jumps, rather than slow gradual change in our fossil records.

Physicist Dr. Henry Stapp provides us with a clue as to how we are connected to Nature with the questions we ask: “The Quantum Zeno Effect says that the answers follow your questions–that by posing the questions fast enough, you can make the answers agree with what the questions are you ask.” 

Jedi VS Empire ‘bots

I feel that one of the reasons humans love stories like the Star Wars movies is that we find in our stories a sense of meaning and purpose for our lives.  When we view the world of Jedi knights and Empire soldiers from a viewpoint of the importance of retaining the essential spark of our humanity, we can feel grateful that we are always able to take an imaginary step back from any situation and constellation of events, to view it from the point of view of Observer who is observing the observers.  And when we ask optimizing, open-ended questions from this vantage point–such as, “How good can it get?” we truly can see just how much more wonderfully unlikely a world we and our future generations can live in.

You can watch the companion video to this blog post at:



QuantumJumps300x150adCynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley, and discusses consciousness and quantum physics on numerous shows including the History Channel, Gaia TV, Coast to Coast AM, the BBC and One World with Deepak Chopra and on the Living the Quantum Dream show she hosts. You can subscribe to Cynthia’s free monthly ezine at:

Comments on: "How to Prepare for Jedi VS Empire ‘bots’" (4)

  1. Stephanie B said:

    Thank you for giving us sumptuous food for the mind!! I just read your latest post…great stuff.

  2. Thanks for this great post! So many great points. I’ve just recently found your blog and this is my favorite article so far 🙂

    (And I’m not saying that because of the Star Wars reference, but I liked your angle on that story nonetheless.)

    Your point about the doubling of the Placebo effect: does that mean the placebo effect is being twice as effective, or prevalent? I’m curious to know how it is changed. Any recommended links on that?

    • Thanks for letting me know you appreciate this Jedi VS Empire ‘bots’ blog post, and for asking about the placebo effect having doubled. I first noticed this around 2013, about the same time that my book, “Quantum Jumps” came out. I include a great deal of references about the placebo effect and some rather surprising aspects of placebo effect in that book. I don’t yet know of any obvious cause for this doubling of placebo efficacy in the United States of America (where the doubling is most evident). I’m hoping to see more studies following up on this mystery, that might also explain why the doubling of efficacy is so noticeable in the USA and not elsewhere, and why it’s been happening over the past 30 years. My intuitive hunch is that what’s uniquely been happening in the USA over the past 30 years is we’ve reached a ‘tipping point’ of meditators, in large part due to the popularity of yoga, but also thanks to a surge of interest in mindfulness.

    • And to answer your question, it means the placebo effect is being twice as effective.

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